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Zombies Don't Eat Veggies!
Mo Romero is a zombie who loves nothing more than growing, cooking, and eating vegetables. Tomatoes? Tantalizing. Peppers? Pure perfection! The problem? Mo's parents insist that their niño eat only zombie cuisine, like armpanadas and finger foods. They tell Mo...
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Nobody Hugs a Cactus
Hank is the prickliest cactus in the entire world. He sits in a pot in a window that faces the empty desert, which is just how he likes it. So, when all manner of creatures—from tumbleweed to lizard to owl—come...
Remarkably You
Heartfelt and timeless, Remarkably You is an inspirational manifesto about all of the things—little or small, loud or quiet—that make us who we are.
Lovely Beasts: The Surprising Truth
Spiders are creepy. Porcupines are scary. Bats are ugly. Or are they... This captivating book invites you to learn more about aweinspiring animals in the wild. After all, it’s best not to judge a beast until you understand its full,...
Too Many Carrots
Rabbit loves carrots — and that’s a big problem! In this phenomenal bestseller, Rabbit loves carrots a little too much. In fact, his carrots are crowding him out of his cozy burrow. When his friends offer to help, they're just...
A Place to Stay: A Shelter Story
This simple, touching picture book shows readers a women's shelter through the eyes of a young girl, who with her mother's help, uses her imagination to overcome her anxiety and adjust. Includes factual endnotes detailing various reasons people experience homelessness...
I'll Love You Till the Cows Come Home
Love knows no bounds in this tender tribute to the depths of family love. For fans of Guess How Much I Love You—only funnier!
A Different Pond
As a young boy, Bao and his father awoke early, hours before his father's long workday began, to fish on the shores of a small pond in Minneapolis. Unlike many other anglers, Bao and his father fished for food, not...
Home For a Penguin, Home for a Whale
Dive under the sea to explore the ocean homes of 23 marine animals! With a sea snail hidden on each page and 8 pages of factpacked educational notes at the end, Home for a Penguin, Home for a Whale will...
¡Los Zombis no comen verduras!
La Frontera: El viaje con papa/My journey with Papa
Based on a true story! Join a young boy and his father on an arduous journey from Mexico to the United States in the 1980s to find a new life. They’ll need all the courage they can muster to safely...
Si llevas un ratón a la escuela
El ratón va a la escuela en este divertido libro ilustrado para niños. Si llevas un ratón a la escuela, te pedirá que le prestes tu maletita del almuerzo. Una vez que se la hayas prestado, también querrá un sándwich....
Nancy La Elegante
Te presentamos a Nancy, quien cree que más, siempre, es mejor cuando se trata de ser elegante. Ella no se pierde un detalle, desde la punta de su corona hasta la brillantina de sus zapatos, y está decidida a enseñar...
Esos Zapatos
All Jeremy wants is a pair of those shoes, the ones everyone at school seems to be wearing. Though Jeremy’s grandma says they don’t have room for "want," just "need," when his old shoes fall apart at school he is...
De donde Eres?
When a girl is asked where she is from, where she really is from, none of her answers seems to be correct. Not sure how to respond, she turns to her loving grandfather for help. He does not give her...
I Do Not Like Books Anymore!
Natalie and Alphonse REALLY like books. Picture books with Dad, scary stories with Mom, and especially stories they remember or make up themselves. So when it’s time for Natalie to learn to read, she thinks it will be exciting —...
Honeybees - Blastoff! Readers - Insects Up Close
Honeybees are in the honeymaking business. These insects turn nectar collected from plants into honey and then store it in honeycombs. In this book, young kids will jobshadow honeybees working hard in their hives. Readers will see how busy bees...
Squids - Blastoff! Readers: Ocean Life Up Close
Squids are one of the most fascinating creatures of the sea! About 1,000 feet below the ocean’s surface, these cephalopods are experts at evading enemies. Some squirt ink, while others change colors to confuse predators. Young readers will learn all...
Poison Dart Frogs - Blastoff! Readers: Animals of the Rain Forest
The brilliantly colored poison dart frog communicates with its skin. Its bright colors signal predators that this frog is poisonous. Read about this amazing creature's other physical features and behavior in this book that explores where a poison dart frog...
Sky Color
Marisol loves to paint. So when her teacher asks her to help make a mural for the school library, she can’t wait to begin! But how can Marisol make a sky without blue paint? After gazing out the bus window...
Tarantulas - Blastoff! Readers: Creepy Crawlies
Packed with less of a punch than your typical honeybee, tarantula bites are merely harmless to humans. Their large, fuzzy bodies and legs send some squirming, but these bugs are quite misunderstood. Get educated on the life of these arachnids...
A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars
Did you know that the earth is covered in three trillion trees? And that seven billion people weigh about the same as ten quadrillion ants? Our world is full of constantly changing numbers, from a hundred billion trillion stars in...
Airplanes Blastoff Readers Mighty Machines In Action
An airplane taking off and disappearing into the clouds is a remarkable sight. It’s like a bird’s flight taken to a new level. In fact, only the Ruppell’s griffon vulture can fly as high, at heights above 30,000 feet! This...
Baby Ducks - Blastoff! Readers: Super Cute!
Just like young children, ducklings enjoy running, swimming, and searching for snacks. When they see mom start to waddle away, they quickly form a singlefile line behind her. Better catch up and explore this fun read for beginning readers!
Bulldozer's Big Day
It’s Bulldozer’s big day—his birthday! But around the construction site, it seems like everyone is too busy to remember. Bulldozer wheels around asking his truck friends if they know what day it is, but they each only say it’s a...
Bulldozers - Blastoff! Readers: Mighty Machines in Action
Pushing ahead and moving anything in its way, the bulldozer is a bladed beast. And a blade is often not the only sharp tool on this machine. A clawlike ripper can pierce through hard ground. This elementary title will push...
Don't Push the Button!
There's only one rule in Larry's book: don't push the button. (Seriously, don't even think about it!) Even if it does look kind of nice, you must never push the button. Who knows what would happen? Okay, quick. No one...
Going Places
It's time for this year's Going Places contest! Finally. Time to build a go-cart, race it - and win. Each kid grabs an identical kit and scrambles to build. Everyone but Maya. She sure doesn't seem to be in a...
Goodnight Moon
In a great green room, tucked away in bed, is a little bunny. "Goodnight room, goodnight moon." And to all the familiar things in the softly lit room—to the picture of the three little bears sitting on chairs, to the...
Have You Seen Elephant?
Elephant wants to play hide and seek. You can play too, but you’ll have to try your best – he’s VERY good!