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Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx/La juez que creció en el Bronx

Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx/La juez que creció en el Bronx

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Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx/La juez que creció en el Bronx

Authors: Author: Jonah Winter &
Illustrator: Edel Rodriguez
Narrator: Maria Liatis


The inspiring and timely story of Sonia Sotomayor, who rose up from a childhood of poverty and prejudice to become the first Latino to be nominated to the US Supreme Court. Before Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor took her seat in our nation's highest court, she was just a little girl in the South Bronx. Justice Sotomayor didn't have a lot growing up, but she had what she needed her mother's love, a will to learn, and her own determination. With bravery she became the person she wanted to be. With hard work she succeeded. With little sunlight and only a modest plot from which to grow, Justice Sotomayor bloomed for the whole world to see. Antes de que la magistrada de la Corte Suprema Sonia Sotomayor llegara al máximo tribunal de nuestra nación, no era más que una niñita en el South Bronx. La magistrada Sotomayor no tuvo mucho durante sus primeros años, pero sí tuvo lo que contaba el amor de su madre, la voluntad de aprender y su propia determinación. Con valentía se hizo la persona que quería ser. Con trabajo arduo triunfó. Con un poquito de sol en un solarcito donde crecer, la magistrada Sotomayor floreció para que todo el mundo la vea.

Product Details

  • ISBN 9781948381413
  • Publisher Simon&Schuster
  • Imprint Atheneum Books for Young Readers
  • Publication Date 2009-11-10
  • Language Spanish - English Bilingual
  • Genre Non-fiction
  • Age Range4-8
  • Grade LevelP-3
  • Lexile Level NC840L
  • ATOS Level 5.0 English 4.5 Spanish
  • Awards None
  • Recording Length
  • Audio Book PublisherVOX Publishing

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