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Maya's Blanket/La Manta de Maya

Maya's Blanket/La Manta de Maya

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Maya's Blanket/La Manta de Maya

Authors: Author: Monica Brown &
Illustrator: David Diaz
Narrator: Maria Liatis


Little Maya has a special blanket that Grandma stitched with her own two hands. As Maya grows, her blanket becomes worn and frayed, so with Grandma’s help, Maya makes it into a dress. Over time the dress is made into a skirt, a shawl, a scarf, a hair ribbon, and finally, a bookmark. Each item has special, magical, meaning for Maya; it animates her adventures, protects her, or helps her in some way. But when Maya loses her bookmark, she preserves her memories by creating a book about her adventures and love of these items. When Maya grows up, she shares her book—Maya’s Blanket La manta de Maya—with her own little daughter while snuggled under her own special blanket. Inspired by the traditional Yiddish folk song “Hob Ikh Mir a Mantl” (“I Had a Little Coat”), this delightful bilingual story puts a childfocused, Latino spin on the tale of an item that is made into smaller and smaller items. Maya’s Blanket/La manta de Maya charmingly brings to life this celebration creativity, recycling, and enduring family love.

Product Details

  • ISBN 9781948381406
  • Publisher Lee & Low
  • Imprint Children's Book Press
  • Publication Date 2015-08-15
  • Language Spanish - English Bilingual
  • Genre Fiction
  • Age Range4-7
  • Grade LevelP-2
  • Lexile Level AD780L
  • ATOS Level 4.1 English 4.7 Spanish
  • Awards Starred Review
  • Recording Length
  • Audio Book PublisherVOX Publishing

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