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Los unicornios tienen malos modales
Now in Spanish–Nigel has dined with disorderly dragons, inelegant llamas, and other uncultured individuals. Today, though, he’s taking tea with a unicorn. He just knows her manners will be dainty and refined. But when Nigel and the unicorn sit down...
Regular price $53.95 $53.95
ABeCedarios: Mexican Folk Art ABCs in English and Spanish
A bilingual ABC book featuring beautiful, vibrant photographs of hand-carved animals from Oaxaca, Mexico. Un libro ABC bilingüe que presenta hermosas y vibrantes fotografías de animales tallados a mano de Oaxaca, México. This beautifully-illustrated, bilingual ABC book is fun for...
Regular price $56.95 $56.95
Los Bravos
De los creadores de ¡Los zombis no comen verduras! llega una historia épica y conmovedora de cuatro mejores amigos que recurren a los monstruos míticos de sus respectivas culturas para ayudarlos a salvar el único hogar que han conocido. From...
Colores de la vida: Mexican Folk Art Colors in English and Spanish
This book truly did take a village of artists, scattered all around mountain villages in the beautiful state of Oaxaca. Fifteen in fact! Go to our website to see who carved what lovely animal. And, please, imagine the adventurous Cindy...
My Mind is a Mountain / Mi mente es una montana
Introduce your little ones to the metaphor that the mind is a mountain and how it can powerfully handle all emotions from the lowest of the lows to the highest of the highs – and everything in between – in...
Let's Work: Mexican Folk Art Trabajos in English and Spanish
From Puebla, Mexico, come adorable miniature palm weavings of people at work that invite children to learn about occupations in English and Spanish. Boxeadora/Boxeador, electricista, doctora/doctor, jockey--estos trabajos y más se destacan en este encantador libro rebosante de colores brillantes...
It Feels Like Family / Se siente como familia
Elena and Miguel's parents don't live in the same house anymore. Now the kids live in two, Mami's during the week and Papi's on weekends. "At first," Elena says, "it felt like I left half of me behind each time...
Pedro and the Monster Eaters/Pedro y los devoradores de monstruos
Pedro came from a family of artists who created papier-mâché sculptures. With newspaper, cardboard and glue, they made piñatas, masks and mojigangas, giant puppets used in parades and festivals in Mexico. As a boy, he helped his family by collecting...
Grandma’s Hair Is Ankle Length/El cabello de Abuela le llega hasta los tobillos
In this poetic ode to grandmothers, a young girl likens her abuela’s long hair to strength, security and understanding. The black strands speak of “finding courage in the unknown,” while the white ones represent wisdom and hope. Camacho-Church evokes the...
Bilingüe, superhéroe/Bilingual, Superhero
“My name is Gerónimo Pérez, / but everybody calls me Bilingual. / I like my name Gerónimo, / but I like Bilingual better.” The boy speaks English and Spanish and loves the ease with which he can flip back and...
Luz Lucero, niña astronauta
Children will be introduced to the fascinating world of space exploration through the adventurous journey of Luz Lucero, the first kid astronaut. The book sparks curiosity about space travel and encourages children to dream big about the possibilities of exploring...
Mi papá es un agrícola/My Father, the Farm Worker
2024 Pura Belpré Youth Illustration Honor Award and 2024 Américas Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature Commended Title Illustrated by Pura Belpré-award winner and fine art artist, Jose Ramirez, in this bilingual picture book children will learn about the...
La Guitarrista, The Rock Star
With the English and Spanish text side by side on the page, this bilingual edition of the rockin’ picture book about a tenacious girl who achieves her wildest dreams with a little help from her community and a broken guitar...
Yefferson, Actually/En realidad, es Yefferson
New York Public Library's 2021 Best Picture book: Yefferson, Actually On his first day at a new school, Yefferson realizes that everyone - his teacher, the lunch lady, and his peers - incorrectly call him Jefferson. With the love and...
Her mom thinks she is too messy; her teachers think she is too loud. But Abuela says that’s nonsense. Mia Emilia Lucia Renata simply has too much wepa! In this case, wepa is a metaphor for Mia’s fire, energy, and...
Luna oscura
In the deep, dark forest, there exists a community of cats. And, within that community, there sits Luna, a black cat ostracized by the others due to superstitious beliefs. Aided by her trusty companion, Toad, Luna goes on a mission...
Mis días con papá/Spending Time with Dad
This sweet bilingual picture book follows a boy and his stay-at-home dad, who takes care of him while his mom goes to work at the port, “where huge cargo ships come and go every day.” She oversees the containers that...
Sana, sana, colita de rana
Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best Picture Books of 2022: Sana, sana, colita de rana Inspired by the classic rhyming song, Sana, sana, colita de rana, that many American-Latino children grow up with, this book follows Tina in her...
La forma de un hogar
¡Es el primer dia de clases de Rashin en Estados Unidos! Todo tiene diferentes formas de lo que esta acostumbrada, desde las comidas en su desayuno hasta las letras en sus libros ¡Y las familias de sus companeros vienen de...
Freight Train/Tren de carga
This Caldecott Honor-winning bilingual children’s book, Spanish/English, is a fun way to introduce simple words and phrases in both languages and is sure to be a welcome resource at home and in schools and libraries. Choo choo! A train is...
Do I Belong Here?/¿Es este mi lugar?
An immigrant boy stands "in the middle of a whirlwind of children," and wonders where he is supposed to go. Finally, a woman speaks to him in a language he doesn't understand and takes him to his classroom. A boy...
Waiting for the Biblioburro/Esperando el Biblioburro
On most days, teacher and librarian Luis Soriano Bohórquez packs his two burros, Alfa and Beto, with books and makes his way over mountains and through valleys to visit children in far-flung villages in rural Colombia—all for the sake of...
Tierra, Tierrita/Earth, Little Earth
“My name is Earth / but people call me Little Earth.” In the fourth installment of their award-winning Madre Tierra / Mother Earth series of trilingual picture books about the natural world, Jorge Argueta and Felipe Ugalde Alcántara collaborate again...
Alicia and the Hurricane/Alicia y el huracán: A Story of Puerto Rico/Un cuento de Puerto Rico
After snuggling into bed each night, Alicia listens for the big voices of the tiny coquíes that live all around Puerto Rico and sing her to sleep. Ko-kee, ko-kee, the little frogs call. Ko-kee, ko-kee. One day a terrible hurricane...
El cuarto turquesa/The Turquoise Room
Esther paints a map and dreams of exploring the world. Esther's daughter Isabel paints pictures and dreams of becoming an artist. Isabel's daughter Monica paints with words and dreams of telling stories. From the turquoise room in Peru, Esther, then...
Vámonos/Let's Go!: Mexican Folk Art Transport in English and Spanish
You're invited on a trip to a special place and there are many ways to get there. You could take a bike, a bus, or even a boat! The folk-art pieces were lovingly handmade by Oaxacan craftsmen Augustín Tinoco Cruz,...
Still Dreaming/Seguimos soñando
2023 Pura Belpré Award Honor for Illustration! Faced with the prospect of being separated from each other, a young boy and his family make the difficult decision to leave their home and begin a journey filled with uncertainty. On the...
Plátanos Go with Everything/Los plátanos van con todo
Paletero Man meets Fry Bread in this vibrant and cheerful ode to plátanos, the star of Dominican cuisine, written by award-winning poet Lissette Norman, illustrated by Sara Palacios, and translated by Kianny N. Antigua. Platanos are Yesenia’s favorite food. They can be sweet...
El cumpleaños de mi hermana Dulce/My Sister Dulce's Birthday
Six-year-old Dulce loves sweets, which is fitting since her name means “sweet.” She especially relishes the candy in birthday piñatas, and she and her sister can’t wait for her own party “with candles and cake, / balloons, music and a...
Sophia and Alex Go on a Field Trip: Sofía y Alejandro van de excursión
Through the symbolic use of zoo animals, children learn that differences in appearance, behavior and speech contribute to a healthy and diverse community. Each animal species displays their own unique set of attributes. A través del uso simbólico de los...