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ABeCedarios: Mexican Folk Art ABCs in English and Spanish

ABeCedarios: Mexican Folk Art ABCs in English and Spanish

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ABeCedarios: Mexican Folk Art ABCs in English and Spanish

Author: Cynthia Weill
Illustrator: Moisés Jiménez, K.B. Basseches, Armando Jiménez
Narrator: Anthony Michael Lopez


A bilingual ABC book featuring beautiful, vibrant photographs of hand-carved animals from Oaxaca, Mexico. Un libro ABC bilingüe que presenta hermosas y vibrantes fotografías de animales tallados a mano de Oaxaca, México. This beautifully-illustrated, bilingual ABC book is fun for young readers and the adults reading with them. Each letter is illustrated with a photograph of a hand-carved animal rendered in the eye-catching bright colors of the traditional folk art of Oaxaca, Mexico. Weill's choice of animals is delightfully quirky and provides a great opportunity to practice different letter sounds in Spanish and English. This is the perfect book for laying the foundations of bilingual literacy for a young child, and makes a great gift for new parents, toddlers, and appreciators of Mexican folk art!

Product Details

  • ISBN 9798885195546
  • Publisher Lee & Low
  • Publication Date 10/29/2022
  • Language English Language
  • Genre Fiction
  • Age Range 4-8
  • Grade Level P-2
  • Lexile Level -
  • Awards Award-winner, Starred Review
  • Recording Length 00:05:42
  • Audio Book Publisher VOX Publishing

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