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Tierra, Tierrita/Earth, Little Earth
“My name is Earth / but people call me Little Earth.” In the fourth installment of their award-winning Madre Tierra / Mother Earth series of trilingual picture books about the natural world, Jorge Argueta and Felipe Ugalde Alcántara collaborate again...
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Alicia and the Hurricane/Alicia y el huracán: A Story of Puerto Rico/Un cuento de Puerto Rico
After snuggling into bed each night, Alicia listens for the big voices of the tiny coquíes that live all around Puerto Rico and sing her to sleep. Ko-kee, ko-kee, the little frogs call. Ko-kee, ko-kee. One day a terrible hurricane...
Mi perro solo habla español
Cuando Aurora llegó a los Estados Unidos, aprendió a hablar inglés, pero Nena, su spaniel, no. Por eso, cuando pasea a Nena, Aurora les explica a sus nuevos amigos que su mascota solo habla español. Ella les dice: Nena no...
Por un ratito
Un libro ilustrado conmovedor de padres e hijas sobre cómo navegar por cambios y emociones grandes después que una familia tiene que mudarse temporalmente con parientes. Perfecto para lectores de Mi papi tiene una moto, y ¿De dónde eres? Cuando...
Todo el mundo
Este cuento sencillo y profundo, ganador de la Mención de Honor del Premio Caldecott ahora está disponible en español. Todo el mundo está aquí. Está allí. Está en todas partes. Todo el mundo está ahí mismo donde estás tú. Ahora....
Mis dos pueblos fronterizos
A Spanish-language edition of My Two Border Towns, a picture book debut by award-winning author David Bowles. Un sábado por la mañana, un niño se prepara para un viaje al Otro Lado / the Other Side. Está cerca, solo bajando...
El cuarto turquesa/The Turquoise Room
Esther paints a map and dreams of exploring the world. Esther's daughter Isabel paints pictures and dreams of becoming an artist. Isabel's daughter Monica paints with words and dreams of telling stories. From the turquoise room in Peru, Esther, then...
Vámonos/Let's Go!: Mexican Folk Art Transport in English and Spanish
You're invited on a trip to a special place and there are many ways to get there. You could take a bike, a bus, or even a boat! The folk-art pieces were lovingly handmade by Oaxacan craftsmen Augustín Tinoco Cruz,...
La tímida Willow
Willow is shy. VERY shy. Her home is in an abandoned mailbox, and she'd rather stay put. Outside kids scream and soccer balls collide, trees look like monsters, and rain is noisy in a scary kind of way. It's much...
Still Dreaming/Seguimos soñando
2023 Pura Belpré Award Honor for Illustration! Faced with the prospect of being separated from each other, a young boy and his family make the difficult decision to leave their home and begin a journey filled with uncertainty. On the...
Plátanos Go with Everything/Los plátanos van con todo
Paletero Man meets Fry Bread in this vibrant and cheerful ode to plátanos, the star of Dominican cuisine, written by award-winning poet Lissette Norman, illustrated by Sara Palacios, and translated by Kianny N. Antigua. Platanos are Yesenia’s favorite food. They can be sweet...
Me gusta la nieve
Lyrical, rhyming text and playful, hand-painted illustrations invite young readers to share in the beauty of swirling snow. Includes educational STEM endmatter about snow and how it helps humans and the earth.
Me gusta la lluvia
Lyrical, rhyming text and playful, hand-painted illustrations invite young readers to share in the rhythm of the rushing rain. Includes educational STEM endmatter about rain and how it helps humans and the earth.
Me gusta el viento
Lyrical, rhyming text and playful, hand-painted illustrations invite young readers to share in the mystery of the whistling wind. Includes educational STEM endmatter about wind and how it helps humans and the earth.
Me gusta el sol
Lyrical, rhyming text and playful, hand-painted illustrations invite young readers to share in the warmth of the shining sun. Includes educational STEM endmatter about the sun and how it helps humans and the earth.
La supercapa de Abuela
Saturdays are superhero days. Equipped with their milkshakes and capas, Luis and his abuela can turn anything into an adventure. But when Abuela gets sick, Luis has to learn a new way to be a hero. With some help from...
El cumpleaños de mi hermana Dulce/My Sister Dulce's Birthday
Six-year-old Dulce loves sweets, which is fitting since her name means “sweet.” She especially relishes the candy in birthday piñatas, and she and her sister can’t wait for her own party “with candles and cake, / balloons, music and a...
Sophia and Alex Go on a Field Trip: Sofía y Alejandro van de excursión
Through the symbolic use of zoo animals, children learn that differences in appearance, behavior and speech contribute to a healthy and diverse community. Each animal species displays their own unique set of attributes. A través del uso simbólico de los...
El niño de maíz/The Boy of Maize
In a land where the yellow jaguar lives and the sun rises behind green mountains, “the earth was filled with joy” when Balám, the boy of maize, was born. He climbed on top of a big, blue turtle, and along...
Viento, Vientito/Wind, Little Wind
“My name is Wind / but everyone knows me / as Little Wind.” In this beautiful, poetic ode to the refreshing but sometimes dangerous force of wind, award-winning children’s book author Jorge Argueta describes—in English, Spanish and Nahuat—the power of...
Un trineo para Gabo
The Spanish language edition of this heartwarming classic in the making about a young boy who is in a new town and doesn’t have much, but with the help of a loving community discovers the joys of his first snowy...
Cultivando a un artista: La historia de un jardinero paisajista y su hijo
Hoy es el gran día: ¡la primera vez que su papá lleva a Juanito a ayudarlo en su trabajo de contratista de jardinería! A lo largo del día, Juanito dibuja todo lo que le llama la atención: un nido lleno...
Todo el mundo cabe aquí
A Spanish edition of ALL ARE WELCOME! Join the call for a better world with this New York Times bestselling picture book about a school where diversity and inclusion are celebrated. Discover a school where–no matter what–young children have a...
La casita de esperanza
“It was a little house. Una casita . . . It was small. It smelled like old wet socks. . . But even though they were far from home, The family was together.” As Esperanza and her family settle into...
Un verano especial con la abuela
Julia va a pasar el verano en casa de su abuela –será su primera vez lejos de papá y mamá. En la casa de la abuela, acurrucada en las faldas de una montaña a las afueras de la Ciudad de...
Sophia and Alex Make Friends at School: Sofia y Alejandro hacen amigos en la escuela
As a follow-up to Sophia and Alex Go to Preschool, students return to make friends though positive interaction with classroom peers. The children build social and communitive skills conducive to succeeding in school. Como seguimiento de Sofia y Alex Go...
Lupe Lopez: ¡Reglas de una estrella de rock!
Con sus relucientes gafas de sol, su lonchera clásica y sus lápices tamborileros, Lupe Lopez llega el primer día a kínder lista para el rock. “¡Soy famosa!” anuncia Lupe mientras tamborilea sobre cualquier cosa—pupitres, sillas y mesas—, mientras más ruidoso,...
Sophia and Alex Learn about Health: Sofía y Alejandro aprenden acerca de la salud
Instilling good health habits early in a child’s life ensures they maintain the proper hygiene needed to stay healthy. Both child and parent learn the importance of engaging in regular medical and dental checkups at an early age. Cuando se...
Sophia and Alex Go to Preschool: Sofía y Alejandro van al pre-escolar
The first book in the Sophia and Alex bilingual series guides both parent and child through the daily routine of a preschool curriculum. Children look forward to a fun day of learning and physical activity. El primer libro de la...
Pastel para enemigos
Since its publication, this funny yet heartfelt book has become a go-to for discussing the challenges and rewards of making a friend and the importance of not judging others on first impressions. Now available in Spanish for the first time,...