Fuego, Fueguito/Fire, Little Fire
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Fuego, Fueguito/Fire, Little Fire
“My name is Fire / but everyone calls me / Little Fire.” In this beautiful, poetic ode to the invigorating power of fire, awardwinning children’s book author Jorge Argueta describes—in English, Spanish and Nahuat—the characteristics of fire from the perspective of one little flame.
From its birth as a spark, Little Fire flits like a firefly and plays hide and seek inside a volcano. He grows between two sticks rubbed together or on a stone that strikes another. Little Fire is red, yellow, orange and turquoise. “I look like the sun / but I am no sun. / I am Fire, Little Fire / who laughs, / who dances.” Little Fire sings, “sizzle, / hiss, / whoosh, / crackle, crackle.”
Product Details
- ISBN 9781954635173
- Publisher Arte Público Press
- Imprint Piñata Books for Children
- Publication Date 2020-10-31
- Language Spanish - English Bilingual
- Genre Fiction
- Age Range4-7
- Grade LevelP-2
- Lexile Level 570L
- ATOS Level 2.4 English 1.5 Spanish
- Awards Starred Review
- Audio Book PublisherVOX Publishing