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Yefferson, Actually/En realidad, es Yefferson
New York Public Library's 2021 Best Picture book: Yefferson, Actually On his first day at a new school, Yefferson realizes that everyone - his teacher, the lunch lady, and his peers - incorrectly call him Jefferson. With the love and...
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Pinkalicious (Spanish edition)
Rosado, rosado, rosado. A Pinkalicious le encanta todo lo que es color rosado, sobre todo los pastelitos. Sus padres le advierten que no debe comer demasiados, pero ella no les obedece y ¡amanece completamente rosada! Ahora, ¿qué hará? Este libro...
Spanish edition of Peace, translated by Aida Salazar. Peace is on purpose. Peace is a choice. Peace lets the smallest of us have a voice. From a hello and pronouncing your friend’s name correctly to giving more than you take...
Her mom thinks she is too messy; her teachers think she is too loud. But Abuela says that’s nonsense. Mia Emilia Lucia Renata simply has too much wepa! In this case, wepa is a metaphor for Mia’s fire, energy, and...
El gran granero rojo
This high-quality Spanish-language book can be enjoyed by fluent Spanish speakers as well as those learning the language, whether at home or in a classroom. Había caballos, ovejas, cabras, gansos, y un viejo espantapájaros recostado en su azadón.Vivian todos juntos...
Luna oscura
In the deep, dark forest, there exists a community of cats. And, within that community, there sits Luna, a black cat ostracized by the others due to superstitious beliefs. Aided by her trusty companion, Toad, Luna goes on a mission...