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My Mind is a Mountain / Mi mente es una montana
Let's Work: Mexican Folk Art Trabajos in English and Spanish
It Feels Like Family / Se siente como familia
I Am Thankful
Under the Stars
The Traveling Caterpillar
A Wonderful Day (Simplified)
The Most Beautiful Face: Find the Secret Behind the Mask
The Amazing Leaf in the Cup: A Tale of Tea
Pedro and the Monster Eaters/Pedro y los devoradores de monstruos
Grandma’s Hair Is Ankle Length/El cabello de Abuela le llega hasta los tobillos
Bilingüe, superhéroe/Bilingual, Superhero
Luz Lucero, niña astronauta
Mi papá es un agrícola/My Father, the Farm Worker
La Guitarrista, The Rock Star
Yefferson, Actually/En realidad, es Yefferson
Luna oscura
Mis días con papá/Spending Time with Dad
Sana, sana, colita de rana
La forma de un hogar
Freight Train/Tren de carga
Carly Only Eats Carbs (Traditional)
Naptime Powers! (Simplified)
Dear Nanny (Simplified)
Three Monks
The Monster on Chinese New Year’s Eve
The Magic Candy Ball: A Shy Little Girl’s Adventure
Do I Belong Here?/¿Es este mi lugar?
Waiting for the Biblioburro/Esperando el Biblioburro
Mama's Fruit Belly (Simplified)
The Gratitude Jar (Simplified)
My Birthday Cake (Simplified)
Good Jump, Little Carp
The Magical Clay Doll
The Bird Queen: A Legend of the Mythical Phoenix
Tierra, Tierrita/Earth, Little Earth
Alicia and the Hurricane/Alicia y el huracán: A Story of Puerto Rico/Un cuento de Puerto Rico
El cuarto turquesa/The Turquoise Room
Vámonos/Let's Go!: Mexican Folk Art Transport in English and Spanish