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Scorpion vs. Tarantula (Animal Battles)
Scorpions and tarantulas may be small. But these two animals know how to fight! In this high-interest title, reluctant readers will learn about how these two creatures get ready to battle. Visual features offer stats and comparisons to highlight traits...
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Wolverine vs. Honey Badger (Animal Battles)
Wolverines and honey badgers are both known for being ferocious fighters. But what would happen if these beasts faced off? This high-interest title explores basic facts, attack moves, and secret weapons of both animals. Features such as charts and profiles...
Roller Coasters (Everyday Engineering)
Strap into a harness and prepare for a wild ride! Roller coasters offer steep hills, wide turns, and incredible speeds. Curious readers will find information on the history of roller coasters, the materials used to build them, and the science...
Bald Eagles (North American Animals)
Bald eagles can be seen soaring high in the sky in search of food. After spotting a potential meal, they swoop down to grab the prey with their powerful talons.
The Loch Ness Monster (Unexplained Mysteries)
The legend of the Loch Ness monster goes back hundreds of years. Believers say that sightings and blurry photographs prove the existence of what appears to be a surviving dinosaur, while skeptics argue that itÕs a hoax. Beginning readers will...
Airplanes Blastoff Readers Mighty Machines In Action
An airplane taking off and disappearing into the clouds is a remarkable sight. It’s like a bird’s flight taken to a new level. In fact, only the Ruppell’s griffon vulture can fly as high, at heights above 30,000 feet! This...
Crows (World's Smartest Animals)
Caw! Caw! A mob of crows swarms a predator. They work together to chase it away! Teamwork is one of many skills explored in this fascinating book about crows.
UFOs (Unexplained Mysteries)
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a…flying saucer? Explanations of unidentified flying objects range from alien aircraft to balloons and everything in between. This informative title will make every young reader wonder: will we ever identify these objects?
Snow Leopards (Animals of the Mountains)
A rare snow leopard runs gracefully over the snow. Its large paws keep it from sinking into the drifts. A long, fluffy tail keeps it balanced atop high rocks.
Hedgehogs - Blastoff! Readers: Animal Safari
Animals with an appetite for hedgehogs must work hard for their dinner! They need a pain tolerance for sharp spines and the strength to prey tightly curled bodies. Get a feel for why hedgehogs are among the prickliest of prey.
Gravity (Science Starters)
What keeps us from floating away? Earth’s gravity! This invisible force keeps our feet on the ground and the moon in our sky. This title introduces young students to the awesome power of gravity, on our planet and in the...
Poison Dart Frogs (Animals of the Rain Forest)
The brilliantly colored poison dart frog communicates with its skin. Its bright colors signal predators that this frog is poisonous. Read about this amazing creature's other physical features and behavior in this book that explores where a poison dart frog...
Arctic Foxes (Animals of the Arctic)
Arctic foxes are master hunters of the north! These small predators use their keen sense of hearing to listen for the rustlings of lemmings under the snow. Then, they leap to break through the layers of white to snatch their...
Puffer Fish - Blastoff! Readers: Oceans Alive
Did you know that a puffer fish inflates into a ball when it senses danger? It uses size to intimidate predators. This book introduces children to the appearance, eating habits, and predator escape tactics of puffer fish.
Mountain Goats (Animals of the Mountains)
No one climbs mountains like a mountain goat can! These nimble-footed critters easily scale steep slopes.
Light (Science Starters)
A storm is ending, and a rainbow arches across the sky. Red, yellow, blue, violet – where do all these colors come from? Beginning readers will delve into the science of color, light wavelengths, reflections, and shadows in this bright...
Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes (Amazing Snakes)
Did you hear something? Though western diamondbacks are known for shaking their rattles, these snakes are actually silent hunters. Their tails only move to tell predators to stay away. It is their fangs that kill prey with deadly venom. Young...
Squids - Blastoff! Readers: Ocean Life Up Close
Squids are one of the most fascinating creatures of the sea! About 1,000 feet below the ocean’s surface, these cephalopods are experts at evading enemies. Some squirt ink, while others change colors to confuse predators. Young readers will learn all...
Harp Seals (Animals of the Arctic)
From special tears that protect their eyes in salty seawater to their migrations for feeding and giving birth, harp seals have many special adaptations for thriving in their freezing home.
Goby Fish and Snapping Shrimp (Animal Tag Teams)
Goby fish and snapping shrimp are unusual roommates! Goby fish keep an eye out for danger as snapping shrimp build homes to share. Their friendship helps each creature survive the dangers of ocean living.
Poison Dart Frogs - Blastoff! Readers: Animals of the Rain Forest
Dams (Everyday Engineering)
Dams are not just built to stop water. They can also change the direction it flows! Beginning readers will delve into this title that explains the kinds of dams, how forces act on them, and the benefits of certain materials...
Hippopotamuses (Animals of the Wetlands)
Hippos can stay dry on land with special red mucus but these huge mammals prefer the muddy waters of their wetlands biome. There, they use special adaptations to thrive underwater.
Warthogs and Banded Mongooses - Blastoff! Readers: Animal Tag Teams
Ouch! Pesky insects bite up warthogs under the hot sun. Luckily, banded mongooses are here to help. They ride atop warthogs’ backs, picking insects out of their skin. The warthogs are happy to provide meals for the mongooses. The symbiotic...