Poison Dart Frogs - Blastoff! Readers: Animals of the Rain Forest
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Poison Dart Frogs - Blastoff! Readers: Animals of the Rain Forest
The brilliantly colored poison dart frog communicates with its skin. Its bright colors signal predators that this frog is poisonous. Read about this amazing creature's other physical features and behavior in this book that explores where a poison dart frog lives, what food it eats, and how and where it sleeps.
Product Details
- ISBN 9781948381802
- Publisher Bellwether Media Media
- Imprint Blastoff! Readers
- Publication Date 2019-01-01
- Language English Language
- Genre Non-fiction
- Age Range5-8
- Grade LevelK-3
- Lexile Level 520L
- ATOS Level 2.4
- Audio Book PublisherVOX Publishing