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Toasty loves dogs–so much so that he’d like to be one. He knows there are some differences–most dogs have four legs, but Toasty has two arms and two legs. Some dogs sleep in dog houses, but Toasty sleeps in a toaster. All dogs have hair and fur, but Toasty has neither because he’s made of bread. In spite of these differences, he decides to go to the park to play with the dogs but runs into trouble when they want to eat him. Lucky for Toasty, he is rescued by a little girl who has always wanted a dog but can’t have one because she is allergic. Toasty is the perfect dog for her.
Product Details
- ISBN 9781955675369
- Publisher Holiday House
- Imprint Margaret Ferguson Books
- Publication Date 2021-05-04
- Language English Language
- Genre Fiction
- Age Range4-6
- Grade LevelP-1
- Awards Starred Review
- Recording Length00:05:54
- Audio Book PublisherVOX Publishing