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When the stork drops an egg before delivering it to its parents the little animal’s first words are EEEMOO. So, a cow, pig, horse, and other furry friends who watch him hatch decide he is an emu and Australia is his home. Good friends that they are, they offer to help him get there. So EEEMOO’s journey begins, and along the way he meets a cast of other animal friends who guide him to the open arms of his family. But when he gets there, he realizes something is missing.
Product Details
- ISBN 9781952183003
- Publisher Simon & Schuster
- Imprint Paula Wiseman Books
- Publication Date 2018-09-04
- Language English Language
- Genre Fiction
- Age Range4-8
- Grade LevelP-3
- Lexile Level AD520L
- Audio Book PublisherVOX Publishing