Unicorns Have Bad Manners
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Unicorns Have Bad Manners
Nigel has dined with disorderly dragons, inelegant llamas, and other uncultured individuals. Today, though, he's taking tea with a unicorn. He just knows her manners will be dainty and refined. But when Nigel and the unicorn sit down to eat, they have very different ideas of proper behavior! Can they learn to find common ground, and have some not-too-messy fun with their food along the way? Kids will love this silly, beautifully illustrated story about manners, friendship, and cultural differences.
Product Details
- ISBN 9798885198073
- Publisher Phoenix International
- Publication Date 5/4/2021
- Language English, English Language
- Genre Fiction
- Age Range 4-8
- Grade Level P-3
- Lexile 560
- Recording Length 00:09:23
- Audio Book Publisher VOX Publishing