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The Snake Goddess Colors the World

The Snake Goddess Colors the World

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The Snake Goddess Colors the World

Authors: Author: Li Jian &
Narrator: Yajuan Lu


Long long ago, the world was a colorless, gray place. It had stayed that way for thousands of years. People never expected anything different until one day, the colorful Snake Goddess, Nuwa, fell from the sky. She was determined to bring color and beauty to the gray nothingness of the earth, but all the colors kept running out through a giant hole in the sky. To fix the hole and bring color to the world, Nuwa would have journey near and far to find the five magical colored stones that were her only hope for fixing the sky. Join the Snake Goddess on her journey to bring color to a desolate world.

Product Details

  • ISBN 9781954635463
  • Publisher Shanghai Press
  • Imprint
  • Publication Date 2013-03-26
  • Language Mandarin Chinese - English Bilingual
  • Genre Fiction
  • Age Range4-8
  • Grade LevelP-2
  • Lexile Level AD830L
  • ATOS Level
  • Awards None
  • Recording Length00:12:22
  • Audio Book PublisherVOX Publishing

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