One Cool Duck #2: The Far-Out Fort
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One Cool Duck #2: The Far-Out Fort
When the gang decides to build a hangout where everyone can chill together, there are supplies to gather, the puuurrrfect tree to find, and of course: an awesome name to pick! (Turkey wonders: What about the Doozy Den?) But when Cat tells the gang that tree forts aren’t cool, everybody’s feathers get ruffled—especially Duck’s. In three short chapters, perfect for readers just gaining confidence, Duck and his friends once again show Cat that being cool is never about being mean!
Product Details
- ISBN 9798885198004
- Publisher Astra Publishing
- Publication Date 10/3/2023
- Language English, English Language
- Genre Fiction
- Age Range 6-9
- Grade Level 1-4
- Recording Length 00:10:00
- Audio Book Publisher VOX Publishing