Niko Draws a Feeling
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Niko Draws a Feeling
Niko loves to draw his world: the ring-a-ling of the ice cream truck, the warmth of sun on his face. But no one appreciates his art. Until one day, Niko meets Iris . . . This imaginative and tender story explores the creative process, abstract art, friendship, and the universal desire to feel understood.
Product Details
- ISBN 9781955675406
- Publisher Lerner Publishing
- Imprint Carolrhoda Books ®
- Publication Date 2017-04-01
- Language English Language
- Genre Fiction
- Age Range5-9
- Grade LevelK-4
- Lexile Level AD530L
- ATOS Level 2.6
- Recording Length00:08:31
- Audio Book PublisherVOX Publishing