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Mi perro solo habla español

Mi perro solo habla español

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Mi perro solo habla español

Author: Andrea Cáceres
Narrator: Maria Liatis


Cuando Aurora llegó a los Estados Unidos, aprendió a hablar inglés, pero Nena, su spaniel, no. Por eso, cuando pasea a Nena, Aurora les explica a sus nuevos amigos que su mascota solo habla español. Ella les dice: Nena no entiende la palabra “sit” pero sí entiende “siéntate”. Ella tampoco entiende “wait” pero sí “espera”. Un “treat” no significa nada para ella. ¡Pero ella sí que puede oler un “postre”!

Con dulzura y encanto, la autora e ilustradora Andrea Cáceres cuenta una tierna e incomparable historia sobre una niña, su mascota y un amor que transciende cualquier idioma.

When Aurora came to the United States, she learned to speak English. But her spaniel, Nena, did not. Sweet Nena loves to give besos, and she knows only Spanish. She doesn’t know SIT, but she does know SIÉNTATE. She doesn’t know WAIT, but she does know ESPERA. And while TREAT doesn’t mean anything to Nena, she can certainly sniff out a POSTRE! At the park, Nena may not know what the other dog owners are saying, but she and Aurora will always understand each other just fine. Borrowing from her lived experience, Venezuelan-American author-illustrator Andrea Cáceres offers a gentle, charmingly illustrated ode to love that extends a hand—or a paw—to readers who may feel displaced or are learning a new language themselves. A young bilingual immigrant meanders through her city park, translating for her beloved dog, in a heartwarming picture book debut.

Product Details

  • ISBN 9798885193009
  • Publisher Candlewick
  • Publication Date 2023-05-09
  • Language Spanish Language
  • Genre Fiction
  • Age Range 2-5
  • Grade Level P-K
  • Recording Length 00:05:00
  • Audio Book Publisher VOX Publishing

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