Mi Familia Calaca / My Skeleton Family: A Mexican Folk Art Family in English and Spanish
Mi Familia Calaca / My Skeleton Family: A Mexican Folk Art Family in English and Spanish
Welcome to the family! It's just like yours: father, mother, sister, brother, abuelita, gato, even a great-great grandmother. Well, but there's something just a little bit different about this particular family. Maybe it's those clothes they wear . . . just a little bit fashion backward. And the colors! So vibrant and . . . lively. Maybe that's what it is. They are just so full of life while looking almost other worldly. ¡Bienvenidos a la familia! Es justo como la tuya: papá, mamá, hermana, hermano, abuelita, gato, hasta un a vis-abuela. Pero hay algo un poco diferente sobre esta familia. Tal vez es la su ropa…es un poco anticuada. Y los colores! Tan vibrantes y…vivos. Tal vez eso es, solo están llenos de vida, al mismo tiempo pareciendo de otro mundo.
Product Details
- ISBN 9798885195553
- Publisher Lee & Low
- Publication Date 11/19/2023
- Language Spanish, Spanish Language
- Genre Fiction
- Age Range 4-8
- Grade Level P-2
- Lexile 240
- Awards Award-winner
- Recording Length 00:04:40
- Audio Book Publisher VOX Publishing