Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom
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Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom
Live each day as if it were your last. When Ben reads his fortune-cookie fortune, he's alarmed and inspired. Immediately, he begins drafting a bucket list of unfinished tasks and lifelong dreams (finish his 1000-piece model of the Taj Mahal, eat an entire cake, etc....). As Ben marches himself in and out of trouble, takes useful risks, and helps both his parents to see the bigger picture, readers discover how something that seems scary can instead be empowering—leading to friendships that might never have been made, neighbors that might never have been known, and apple pies that might otherwise never have been baked.
Product Details
- ISBN 9798885197298
- Publisher PRH
- Publication Date 6/28/2022
- Language English Language
- Genre Fiction
- Age Range 8-12
- Grade Level 3-7
- Lexile Level 630
- ATOS Level 4.3
- Awards Award-winner
- Recording Length 03:02:00
- Audio Book Publisher VOX Publishing